Our Explorations
We have travelled with a number of different people, groups and organisations. No one journey is the same and we use different tools to explore the issues that arise when we encounter them. These are some of the ways we have involved children, young people, and families so far.
Gathering and raising voices
Through surveys, focus groups, zine workshops and photography, we have gathered experiences of growing up in Aberdeen. These are shared with our working groups and practitioners to help them make decisions on what and how to improve things.
Share skills and knowledge of system
We provide work experience and volunteer and student placements to share our skills about creating change and influencing the system. There are a lot of opportunities for community engagement in Aberdeen but sometimes these aren’t particularly visible. We support groups and individuals to connect with these opportunities. Sometimes it’s just knowing how things work or sometimes it’s support to champion their cause more effectively.
Open invitation to our working groups.
Our working groups are open to any community members who would like to come on board and make change with us.
To give you an idea of how we work and what we do, here are some of the stories of what we have done so far